
How To Get A Toddler To Help You In The Kitchen

If there is one thing that a toddler loves to do is to make a mess in the kitchen. From cracking eggs to mixing cookie dough, cooking and baking seems to draw them in. So how can you take your tot's interest for the kitchen and turn rc flying fish it into a delightful afternoon of fun together?First, begin by setting the scene. Spills and messes are inevitable when working in the kitchen with a toddler, but you can drastically reduce the chance of spilled ingredients if your child can actually reach the counter. Little arms that have to stretch can easily knock over a glass of water or topple a bowl of ingredients. The best way to ensure the least mess and the most safety for your child during a culinary experiment is to get a step stool to help them reach what they need.A one-step stool will probably do, unless you have especially high counters - or an especially small child. After all, you do not want your little one climbing higher than they need to be. That too, can present a danger for your child. Also, be sure that the stool you use stands firm and stable on the floor. This can help you avoid any unintentional mishaps or falls. Remember, young children like to lean and wiggle during just about every activity, so using a step stool designed for kids in mind will offer the most stable - and safe - setting. Look for one featuring bottom grips to help it stay in place no matter how much your little cook squirms.Next, make sure you only give your little one unbreakable accessories to use while cooking. Cheap plastic plates, bowls and cups are great for this purpose. That way if they accidentally fall (or are thrown) on the floor, you don't have to worry about glass shards cutting small feet. Another great investment is a child-safety knife. They look like the real thing (and can cut too), but do not feature a sharp blade that can injure little cooks. This can give your child the chance to practice their cutting skills without the fear of a bloody counter.Finally, only give your toddler chores they are physically capable of handling when in the kitchen together. It can be easy to think a two or three year old can handle more than they can. Some of the best activities for this age group include:Mixing ingredients by hand. Most kids love to mix and mess.Scooping ingredients is another good option Air Swimmers for this sized chef.Wiping the counters. Although they may not do the same caliber job as you, letting little cooks clean up after themselves can help boost their self esteem while teaching them how to finish a job.When cooking with small children, be sure to keep young chefs away from hot stove tops and ovens. What seems safe for you or I can be a real danger for little ones who do not realize the dangers of a hot cook top.Learning how to get your toddler to help in the kitchen isn't hard. Most kids love it. The key is finding activities they can handle in a safe and fun manner Wholesale Air Swimmers and that you can manage with an anxious toddler in tow.

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