
5 Competitive Elements of Promotional Notepads

When you print notepads for business there are five major notepad printing design elements that you should focus on to keep your notepads competitive. These five elements represent the five major design features that should dominate your notepad printing. To help you focus on these elements and turn your notepad into a competitive machine, here is the list of the five most competitive elements in notepad printing and why.1. The header – The first major competitive part of a brochure is the most obvious and that is the header or letterhead. In fact this is where most designers focus their attention on when designing the layout of their color notepad. This is because most readers will read the header first before anything else in a custom notepad. So basically for notepads the header is the cover where most of the most attractive design elements should be concentrated so that people will have a good impression about the notepads. That is why it is imperative that the header must always have the best designs that you can create to be competitive.2. The watermark – Another element that can make your notepads more competitive is the watermark. Watermarks light bulbs are those lightly printed images and text that dominate the background of many notepads. They are used led light bulbs basically to add some design elements to an otherwise blank looking area of the notepads. For some people, the watermark is the perfect place to add marketing messages and pictures. That is why for the most part, you should also try to make your notepad watermarks as best looking as possible to keep your notepad’s competitiveness.3. The shape and size – The shape and size of the notepad is another crucial element that determines its competitiveness. People judge notepads by size and shape as well as its design. Depending on the ultimate goal for the brochure, functional and large sized notepads can be more useful for people because of its practicality. On another hand, for promotional notepads, oddly shaped small notepads might be perfect to attract more people. So always try to take this into account to make your notepads more attractive to readers.4. Functional features – Also, some people actually judge notepads in terms of its other functional features. For example, a notepad may have built in messages already for people to fill up. Such as the case for checklists, and notepad reminders. Other notepads may have mini calendars printed on them or even have hard cardboard covers so that they are more useful for business purposes. All this may be a factor in the notepad's competitiveness, so make sure you add a few extra functional features if possible.5. Durability – Finally, to wrap things up, no notepad can be competitive if it is not durable. You always want your marketing notepads to last a very long time so that they can reach the most people. To do this, the notepads must have very tough materials that can shrug off typical moisture and dirt. The more durable your notepad is the more competitive it should be because of its increased lifespan.So those are the five major factors or elements that can make a marketing notepad more competitive. Hopefully you have time to improve those elements for the betterment of your custom notepads. Good Luck!

